Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Festival: See Us SHINE!!!

Loa Elementary has a tradition of holding a Spring Festival every year. The kids sing and dance. They all did such a terrific job.... there was a Maypole, jump-roping, line-dancing and loads of "Funniest Home Video" moments! With the music program cut from the school's budget, the teachers put together the whole performance--- they did an amazing job! The kids love it and it's such a great tradition for parents and grandparents. Thanks Loa Elementary!!

OUTLAWS!! (Mine's the one in the chaps!)
The 3rd Graders taught everyone about the importance of community. They sang "Two Heads are Better Than One," and did a country dance to "I'm From the Country (and I like it that way)!" Kurtis stomped, clapped and doe-see-doed in his cowboy duds. He inherited a cute Wrangler butt from his dad... love it!! YeeHaa!!

Cute cowboys!

Is there anything cuter than Kindergarteners?? They sang, "I celebrate me cuz I'm special. I celebrate me everyday..." Then they hip-hop danced to "Just Happy to Be Me." It was so funny to see their personalities! Katie is concentrating on getting all the dance-steps right!

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