Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Happy Easter!!

Opening gifts from Mom & Dad

Katie got a Barbie bike

Kurtis got a Bionicle

And a Travis Pastrona motorcycle in his Easter basket... Awesome!

More Barbie stuff & a tiny yellow bear that she loved the best!

There are eggs EVERYWHERE!

That sneaky Easter Bunny even hid some eggs in Kurtis's room while he was asleep

... And in Katie's room inside her doll house!

What a haul!

We tried to go roll eggs, but it was windy & FREEZING cold!!!! So Kurt & Wes lined up some of the eggs at the shooting range in Bicknell and shot 'em with the .22!

Oh no! We've graduated from Nerf to the real deal! I'm afraid he's no longer my little boy!!

Kurt's a pretty good shot... this is way funner than rolling the eggs down a hill!

See... check out the smile :))

Katie & I were happy to sit in the car and watch... we're sick and tired of earaches, sore throats and coughing

Katie took this one of me

Kurtis's "FOX" egg... he nailed the logo... looks cool, buddy!

The wind died down for a few minutes so we braved the winter chill and rolled eggs

Time to warm up for a sec in Dad's arms

Wes throwing the unbroken eggs back up the hill

Alright... who started the egg fight?!?! (Of course it was Wes)

Even though it was cold, we ended up having a pretty good time! It was definately one we'll never forget!!

New Moon

"Twi-hards!" Katie has picked-up on my obsession with the Twilight, so we thought it would be fun to have a "girls night" and go to the New Moon release party at Walmart... at midnight! Katie is "Team Jacob" and I'm "Team Edward." We got awesome T-shirts to wear to the party. We went out to dinner with Grandma & planned to spend the night in Richfield. Katie was all psyched-up about the party!!

10:30 p.m. -- Katie is still wide awake and super-excited
10:40 p.m. -- We get to Walmart, sign up for the raffles & check out the New Moon gear
11:00 p.m. -- They announce that we can begin lining up; Katie & I were close to the checkouts so we got a great spot in line!

11:15 p.m. Waiting & waiting & waiting...
11:25 p.m. Katie is getting tired & tells me, "Mom, this party SUCKS!!"
(She later told me she thought maybe we'd get to meet the cast of the movie... poor kid!! Major dissappointment!!)
11:30 p.m. Thank goodness my sister-in-law, Carrie, and my niece, Shannon, showed up to wait with us -- Katie perked right back up when she saw Shan!!
12:01 a.m. Let the fun begin!! Everyone got excited when the line started to move!
12:20 a.m. Our turn!

Shannon & Katie leaving Walmart
12:30 a.m. -- Woo Hoo!! We got our movie!! What a rush!! (JK!)

1:00 a.m. -- Finally! We made it back to Grandma's with our very own copy of New Moon. YEAH!!
Pathetic, I know! But this is about as exciting as my life gets these days, so we'll take whatever fun we can find -- however lame it is!

Spring Festival: See Us SHINE!!!

Loa Elementary has a tradition of holding a Spring Festival every year. The kids sing and dance. They all did such a terrific job.... there was a Maypole, jump-roping, line-dancing and loads of "Funniest Home Video" moments! With the music program cut from the school's budget, the teachers put together the whole performance--- they did an amazing job! The kids love it and it's such a great tradition for parents and grandparents. Thanks Loa Elementary!!

OUTLAWS!! (Mine's the one in the chaps!)
The 3rd Graders taught everyone about the importance of community. They sang "Two Heads are Better Than One," and did a country dance to "I'm From the Country (and I like it that way)!" Kurtis stomped, clapped and doe-see-doed in his cowboy duds. He inherited a cute Wrangler butt from his dad... love it!! YeeHaa!!

Cute cowboys!

Is there anything cuter than Kindergarteners?? They sang, "I celebrate me cuz I'm special. I celebrate me everyday..." Then they hip-hop danced to "Just Happy to Be Me." It was so funny to see their personalities! Katie is concentrating on getting all the dance-steps right!


Kurtis wrestled again this year. He did a great job and learned so much! He really impressed us by kicking it up a notch--- he tried harder than he ever has and executed new holds, take-downs and escapes. Good job, buddy!!

4th Place at the Wayne Tournament

2nd Place at the North Sevier tournament

2nd Place at the Gunnison Tournament

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Best Buds

Looks pretty serious... you'll never see this level of concentration while they're doing homework

Science experiment with static electricity and grenade balloons :))

Yo... Yo... peace ooout!

Katie's 1st Ever Dance Recital


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Katie & her friend Halley

She looks so tiny on that big stage! They were all sooo cute!

Katie aced the moves and even demonstrated rhythm... I'm so proud!

Kurtis-- 3rd Grade Basketball

Nice action shot! Kurtis loves playing basketball and loves being a part of a team! It's awesome to see how much progress he's made since last year!

Kurtis made several baskets this year and is getting better at dribbling and passing.

Way to block, buddy!!