Friday, June 25, 2010

School's Out Mini Vacay

After surviving a long, cold winter and lots of homework, we needed a day of fun to celebrate the end of school... we headed up to Trafalga to play!!

Katie, Jeff (my nephew) & Kurtis ready for a little mini-golf

I even got in on the action. (I prefer the real deal, but a little extra putting practice can't hurt.)

Wait, Kurt.... are you going back to school?!?!

WOW... Katie gets a hole-in-one right outta the gate! Beginner's luck???


Kurtis looks the part

Hey, I got a hole-in-one too!

Nice follow-through

After golfing, we headed in to check out the arcade and get some pizza

Keeping their "eyes on the prize"


Kurtis and I raced Go-Karts... That's Kurt in the blue car and me in the orange car.

All that practice driving the tractor is paying off!

SWOOSH! Jeff enjoyed the basketball game at the arcade.

Is there anything funner than Skee-Ball? Plus, it kicks out a lot of prize tickets!

This contraption was addicting and also kicked out a lot of prize tickets

Katie going for 10!

Look what we got with our tickets!! (I think they learned what a rip-off arcades can be.)

Jeff & Kurt eating a treat while waiting to get into the XD movie

Katie & I

Haha... look at those faces!

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