I "celebrated" my 35th birthday on December 4th... and for some reason, I was really dreading being 35!! I suddenly feel OLD! :( We didn't really have much planned-- maybe going over to Richfield for dinner, shopping and to see Santa. I cleaned house most of the day waiting for Wes to get off of work. Long story short, Wes wasn't able to get off in time to do anything, so we stayed home and I cooked dinner. But the worst of it came when I backed out of the driveway without checking for Katie's kitty who tends to hide in the engine of my car. You guessed it, the kitty is no more!! I cried as I broke the news to Katie (who, incidently, had lost her pet hermit crab the day before!) It was terrible... she just sobbed!! We went down to the farm and told Wes about it. He felt so bad about my lousy birthday, he surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a sack full of my favorite goodies (including Sobe drinks & chocolate covered cinnamon bears!) I cried
again, but this time it was because I felt so blessed to have a sweet, loving, thoughtful husband!! Thanks, Wes!!!
I'm glad it all turned out good! So, is another pet in the works? And where did he get choc. covered cin. bears? Sound yummy! Your flowers are so pretty too! Come say hi :D